- Speaking Engagement9:30 AM - 10:30 AM ET
McDonald Hopkins' Adam Smith will be speaking as part of a panel at the Ohio Eminent Domain Conference presented by the Eminent Domain Institute.
- Speaking EngagementNoon - 2:00 PM CT
McDonald Hopkins' Timothy Lowe will be presenting as part of a panel at the virtual Annual Trade Secrets Summit presented by IPLAC.
- McDonald Hopkins Event2:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. ET
A lot has changed in the past several years due to COVID and almost no industry was more impacted than the restaurant and hospitality industry.
- Speaking Engagement8:00 AM - 9:45 AM EST
McDonald Hopkins' Patrick Karbowski will be leading a roundtable discussion during this in-person event presented by the ICSC. Patrick's roundtable will focus on "Navigating On-Line Auctions of Commercial Real Estate."
- Speaking EngagementNoon - 3:00 PM ET
McDonald Hopkins' Scott Opincar will be moderating a panel discussing what's next for workouts and recapitalization as part of this live event presented by the TMA Northern Ohio Chapter.
- Speaking Engagement1:30 P.M. - 4:35 P.M. CT
McDonald Hopkins' attorneys Christal Contini, Elizabeth Sullivan, and Emily Johnson will be presenting multiple sessions as part of this live event at the Executive War College in New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Speaking Engagement2:35 PM - 3:20 PM ET
McDonald Hopkins' Dominic Paluzzi will be speaking as part of a panel during this virtual event at the 2023 Incident Response Forum Masterclass.
- McDonald Hopkins Event2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET
Private equity sponsors operating within the government contracting industry have to navigate challenging rules and regulations at almost every turn. It is a complicated space for M&A, but understanding the risks could lead to great rewards for deals that are done correctly.
- Speaking Engagement9:45 A.M - 10:45 A.M. CT
McDonald Hopkins' Spencer Pollock will be speaking as part of a panel during this in-person event at the 2023 Texpo Treasury and Financial Conference in Dallas, Texas.
- Speaking Engagement1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Rick Hindmand will be speaking as part of a panel during this virtual event presented by Strafford.
- Speaking Engagement4:00 - 6:00 PM ET
McDonald Hopkins' Teresa Metcalf Beasley will be speaking as part of a panel during this in-person event presented by The Downtown Cleveland Alliance, Greater Cleveland Partnerships, and Cleveland State University.
- Speaking Engagement9:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. MT
Join Michelle Kantor, Chair of McDonald Hopkins Government Contracting and Procurement practice group, on April 13, 2023 for this in person event. Federal government laws are constantly changing, and compliance is crucial to maintain your small business certifications and to successfully comply with government contract requirements.
- McDonald Hopkins Event2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET
The first quarter of 2023 has seen both federal and state lawmakers make quick work of enacting new laws and rules affecting the workforce. Employers must be aware of these changes in order to avoid employee turnover or worst-case scenario - lawsuits.
- Speaking Engagement2:15 PM - 3:00 PM ET
McDonald Hopkins' Stephen Robison will be speaking as part of a panel during this virtual event presented by the Cleveland State University College of Law. The panel discussion will start at 2:15 PM and will cover orbital human spaceflight and private space stations.
- McDonald Hopkins EventNoon - 1 PM EDT
For municipal and township officials, it can often feel as if the General Assembly is one giant wave of uncertainty. Some are concerned that state legislators' priorities appear to erode home-rule authority and curtail local control, while others see bright spots coming from the statehouse.
- Speaking Engagement11:15 AM - 12:00 PM ET
McDonald Hopkins' David Cupar will be speaking as part of a panel during this live event presented by the University of Akron School of Law.
- Speaking Engagement12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ET
McDonald Hopkins' Miriam Rosen, Jim Boutrous, and David Schelberg will be speaking as part of a panel in this virtual webinar presented by the Detroit SHRM.
- Speaking Engagement10:00 AM - 10:45 AM CST
McDonald Hopkins' Spencer Pollock will be speaking as part of a panel during this virtual event presented by Phelps.
- Speaking Engagement4:30 PM - 6:30 PM EST
McDonald Hopkins' Marc Carmel will be a guest lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania law school.
- Speaking Engagement1:00 PM - 2:30 PM ET
McDonald Hopkins' Rick Hindmand will be speaking as part of a panel in this virtual webinar presented by Strafford.
- Speaking Engagement2:30 PM - 3:30 PM CT
McDonald Hopkins' Michelle Kantor will be speaking as part of a panel at this in-person conference presented by the National 8(A) Association.
- Speaking Engagement7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
McDonald Hopkins' Jim Giszczak will be speaking as part of a panel at this in-person event presented by FEI and hosted by Oswald Companies.
- Speaking Engagement9:40 AM - 10:40 AM ET
McDonald Hopkins' Spencer Pollock will be speaking as part of a panel at this in-person conference presented by URMIA.
- Speaking Engagement12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ET
McDonald Hopkins' Rick Hindmand will be speaking as part of a panel at the Physicians and Hospitals Law Institute presented by AHLA.
- McDonald Hopkins Event2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
As 2023 arrives, many companies find themselves with bloated balance sheets, cash flows insufficient to service debt, and limited options to refinance that debt in an environment full of inflation and rising interest rates. When these concerns are coupled with supply chain issues, continued overhang from Covid, and geopolitics, investors, business managers, and other professionals face trade-offs and other difficult choices in an uncertain economy.
- McDonald Hopkins Event2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
To build a solid cyber defense, it is important to understand today's threat actors and the different ways they could exploit vulnerabilities at your company. Knowledge is key to not only recognize how they could breach your company, but also what they do once they get in and how to respond to the damage once its done.
- Speaking Engagement9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Ryan Neumeyer will be presenting as part of a panel presented by the National Business Institute. Six hours of Continuing Legal Education is available in Ohio and Indiana.
- Speaking Engagement1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Spencer Pollock will be speaking at this virtual event presented by SaaS Alerts.
- McDonald Hopkins Event9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
McDonald Hopkins is proud to present "Growth, Opportunities, and Challenges Heading into 2023," a two day learning event with seven different sessions from which to choose, all covering different legal areas and providing the latest updates. Topics include labor and employment, business litigation, strategic advisory and restructuring, intellectual property, data privacy and cybersecurity, and business real estate.
- Speaking Engagement4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Kate Jarrett will be presenting as part of a panel for this live event presented by M3Linked.
- McDonald Hopkins Event2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Laboratories continue to be major targets of civil and criminal investigations and prosecutions by the Department of Justice and other healthcare enforcement agencies. Questions relating to billing procedures, medical necessity, and payment arrangements with employees, sale representatives, and laboratory client accounts remain primary areas that government prosecutors and enforcement agents probe for potential kickbacks and false claims violations. The aftermath of COVID related testing has only increased government activity and laboratories now find themselves under more scrutiny than ever before.
- Speaking Engagement1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Spencer Pollock will be presenting as part of a panel at the Big I Maryland Annual Conference.
- Speaking Engagement2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Kelly Campbell will be presenting as part of a panel at the Big I Maryland Annual Conference.
- McDonald Hopkins Event2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Data breaches are occurring rapidly and everyone is at risk - including your business! Preparation for a proper response is critical for your business due to the potential long-term damaging affects of a breach. What can you do to mitigate the impact?
- McDonald Hopkins Event2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
For over two years, countless federal contractors nationwide have suffered from unanticipated contracting issues starting with stop work orders, remote working, contract terminations, and project delays. If that wasn’t bad enough, due to the volatile market, contractors have taken losses due to fuel, material and labor price escalations and material and labor shortages.
- Speaking Engagement9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Michelle Kantor will be presenting three different sessions during this live conference in Nashville Tennessee.
- Speaking Engagement8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
McDonald Hopkins' attorneys Elizabeth Sullivan, Emily Johnson, and Ryan Neumeyer will be presenting multiple sessions as part of this in-person annual meeting presented by the American Pathology Foundation.
- Speaking Engagement1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Spencer Pollock will be presenting as part of a panel at the AFP 2022 Annual Conference presented by The Association for Financial Professionals.
- Speaking Engagement1:25 PM - 4:10 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Kate Jarrett will be presenting multiple sessions as part of this live and virtual event at the Cyberween Risk Management Conference presented by Global Network Solutions.
- Speaking Engagement1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Elizabeth Sullivan will be presenting as part of a panel for this virtual event presented by the College of American Pathologists.
- Speaking Engagement1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Spencer Pollock will be presenting as part of a panel at The CyberCall - a weekly 60 minute collaborative production, that exposes MSP & MSSPs to industry experts, that share their knowledge about specific security domains to elevate the cyber capabilities of you and your organization.
- Speaking Engagement2:20 PM - 3:10 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Colin Battersby will be presenting as part of a panel at the sold out Cyber Risk Summit in Santa Monica presented by NetDiligence.
- Speaking Engagement1:50 PM - 2:50 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Elizabeth Sullivan will be presenting as part of a panel for this virtual and in person event presented by the College of American Pathologists.
- McDonald Hopkins Event2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
State legislatures have led the way to pass comprehensive data privacy laws and regulatory frameworks. California passed the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in 2018 and began enforcing the law in 2020. California has already amended the CCPA, and several other states have passed their own versions. These new data privacy laws are scheduled to go into effect in 2023.
- Speaking Engagement1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Rick Hindmand will be presenting as part of a panel for this virtual event presented by Strafford.
- Speaking Engagement10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
McDonald Hopkins' Spencer Pollock will be presenting as part of a panel at the 2022 Annual Treasury & Finance Conference presented by the Nebraska Association for Financial Professionals.
- Speaking Engagement4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Micah Marcus will be presenting as part of a panel for this live in-person event presented by TMA.
- Speaking Engagement11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Spencer Pollock will be presenting as part of a panel at the 2022 Tech Exchange Executive Luncheon presented by MIS.
- McDonald Hopkins Event2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles continue to gain traction in the market from a top-down regulatory approach and bottom-up consumer-driven approach, and this increased traction is likely to influence the deal-making process for private equity funds concerned about ESG.
- Speaking Engagement12:00 PM - 12:45 PM
McDonald Hopkins' Michelle Kantor will be presenting at the 34th Annual Department of the Navy Gold Coast Conference September 6-8.