Unique staffing challenges in the construction industry: Part II

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In Part I of this series, we discussed a few of the key staffing issues the construction industry faces, such as fewer people in the labor pool, fewer people joining unions and entering into apprenticeship programs, society stigmas, and the physical requirements.

In our research we did find a number of companies taking various measures to help address this huge issue. But no one has a simple or quick solution!  Below are some of the more creative ideas entities are implementing to help address these issues.  

  1. PR: Some entities have partnered with local school districts to promote positive campaigns around the idea that there are good job in the construction industry that can support a family and household.  Many are starting with third to fifth graders. (Yes, that young!)
  2. Adding more automation:  Many entities are now seeking or using various tools or automated equipment to reduce or take away some of the actual manual labor tasks to make construction industry jobs less physically daunting.
  3. Making the environment safer: As one VP of a construction company told us, “We want our people to come to work safe and go home safe.”
  4. Physical fitness: Some entities are taking the approach of promoting the physical aspects of their jobs to better align with people who want to stay physically fit.
  5. Career pathing: To attract more and more talented people, some companies are developing career paths (also known as road maps) for new hires.  Just getting a pay check doesn’t cut it anymore, and many new people want to know how they can grow professionally.

There are many more ways to help combat this problem, but the biggest takeaway is that you must start – yesterday!

There are businesses today in many sectors that have their growth stymied because they simply do not have enough people. In the construction industry quotes are usually accompanied with due dates and time tables. If you are unable to meet those due dates, there is usually a financial penalty. Not to mention leaving a customer with a poor opinion of your business.

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