Public records tweak would shield more public-safety workers’ records, including time schedules

Blog Post

Among many measures we’re monitoring in the Ohio General Assembly, we’re watching a bill that, if adopted, would exempt a broader swath of records related to public-safety employees from public view.

If enacted, H.B. 257 would expand the Revised Code’s protections already afforded to so called “dedicated public service workers” – police and other peace officers, probation and parole officers, court bailiffs, prosecutors, jailers, National Guardsmen and -women, and youth services employees – to include protections against the release of new classifications of records under the Public Records Act. Among the new records to be shielded from public view would be “past, current and future work schedules.” “Work schedule” is not a defined term in the bill, but it would likely include timesheet records that show when public safety employees typically work – which, in our experience, are periodically requested by public records requesters.

The bill has cleared a House committee and must head to the full House before being considered by the Senate. We’ll watch its progress and provide updates. In the meantime, let us know if we can assist with any troublesome public records questions.

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